Elmination is it needed

Today another match was added to Survivor Series November 20 live from Madison Square Garden but how its set up i dont understand. The match is a Elmination Tag Match classic Survivor Series 5 on 5 but its team Orton vs Team Barrett how does that make any sense from whats been going on, on TV Orton has been feuding with Rhodes. Cody is on Wade's team but still its usually to rivals fighting each other in the Survivor Series match not to people who really have had nothing to do with each other in almost a year. The teams are Randy Orton, Mason Ryan, Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara, & Sheamus vs Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Christian, Jack Swagger, & Hunico. I mean i get the feuds in the match that Cara & Hunico is one, Christian & Sheamus another, Orton & Rhodes are the feuds in the match. Orton vs Rhodes should be the main feud going into the match not Wade vs Randy cause they have not had anything to do with each other in around a year. Rhodes needs the feud more cause its obvisous that WWE is wasting time before they make Cody world champion so they need the feud to do that. You tell me does this make sense to hype it as Team Orton vs Team Barrett, I mean am I missing something or should it be two guys that actually have had beef with each other on TV with in the last 12 months.


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