TNA Wrestling: Inside Peek

This is not Scouting Report as you will not be seeing any other wrestlers that have not been or aren't in TNA this is only focused on TNA Wrestling as the series continues & this is my way of expanding the most recent one about the talent roster. I am going to take an in depth look at some members of the TNA roster that i feel are being desperately misused. First person is Doug Williams he has the talent to be a top star in that company & push TNA back to being the alternative because, WWE doesn't usually push people from England. Doug has the skills in the ring & on the mic to be a World Champion in any promotion in the US, Japan, Mexico, etc may be not WWE as they are scared to give new people a chance to be big stars. In TNA Williams should have been World Champion already because he is better in the ring then some of the guys that they have gotten & have given time on ppv & shows. Right next to Doug Williams on the boat of should have been world champion already is Austin Aries; he has been with TNA before and when he returned he just left off the same way as he was when he left. Them doing that is making his accomplishments of main eventing ppv's & winning 2 world titles almost mean nothing when both those companies are better then TNA. I also think that Rob Eckos, Magnus, Anarquia, & Haskins all need a gimmick change because there are just some things that dont get over in the world of wrestling especially if not marketed right like Anarquia teaming with Hernandez as a cheap knock of LAX. Rob being a knock of the Jersey Shore & Zack Ryder which shows that TNA is unoriginal because if they believe that gimmick works they are dead wrong. The other people dont have the TV time to actually have a gimmick which is very annoying to me because they are all young and talented you can add Zema Ion to the mix as he is one of the best wrestlers on the scence. These guys will not get the time they deserve until all of TNA Management finally wake up from the delusion that the WWE is in as well that the fans dont know what they want and finally listen to us for once. We dont want to see Sting, Flair, Bischoff, Steiner, Jarrett, & any other poor free agent singing TNA has done we are sick of seeing the veterans hog all the TV time that could be given to the young guys that i named. Why dont they listen I tell you, i am well aware that i am not usually this close minded about anything I do but i cant help TNA has just made me so pissed that cant wake up and realize they need to change. But what do I know I am just a fan and fans "dont know what they want." In my opinion you bring all the veterans to a talent meeting a tell them to pick someone to feud with & tell them your going to put them over and we are going to start getting them on TV a facing you guys out and if you dont like it then walk out now.

Tell me what you think about this and if I should do more of them: leave a comment, send a message, retweet me, send me youtube it doesnt matter i want your feedback please & thank you


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