Post PPV Thoughts

A majority of the matches were at usual TNA standards which isnt good especially the knockouts match & Crimson vs Morgan. Since Crimson vs Morgan came first I evaluate that match, the match all together wasnt horrible they showed they want the feud to continue with the action in the match. The ending is my problem you had the Joe/Crimson feud play out the same way as this one Countouts & DQ's which arent good ways to constantly end matches especailly at ppv's & including a guy that you want to get over. Doing the countout, draw, or dq way of ending a match makes the people think the guy isnt good enough to end a match in the time limit ever which isnt good when your dealing with young guy. If they want to get Crimson over then stop it with the not clean finishes and make him get a pinfall victory over somebody already i mean c'mon when was the last he got a pinfall win. The other match was Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim for the Knockouts title & Gail won my problem is Sky just won the title and making her drop it quick lowers the worth of the title in the fans eyes. Also since Karen formed that stable of heel women Velvet could have been the underdog fighting to keep the gold and not lose it right away to someone who just came back to TNA a couple of week prior. The rest of the matches ended as expected I  knew Bobby would win the only other thing i hated was Jarrett's 3 squash matches with Jeff Hardy. They could have did another match or made an already made match longer. But No Jarrett had to get 3 matches instead of 1 which even having 3 matches he still looked like a jobber in all 3. I dont get it whenever TNA has a chance to prove the nay sayers wrong they just keep proving them right that they dont know what a ppv is & how to make a good ppv or match for that matter.


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