This day in Westling History

Today I want to wish a happy birthday to a WWE Hall Of Famer Cowboy Bob Orton he is 61 years old. Bob the son of Bob Orton S.r & the brother of Barry O started his pro-wrestling career in 1972 often teaming with his dad. He didnt strike much success until he joined the NWA & started teaming with Don Kernoble who he won the NWA Tag Titles with & went after Harley Race's bounty to take out Flair & they did with a spike piledriver. In 1984 Bob started the most famous run of his career this was in the east with the WWE as the bodyguard of Hot Rod Rowdy Piper. During this time also Bob started wearing his trademark cast which steams from a match injury were he fought Jimmy Sunka. Though his forearm did heal the cast got over so well they stuck with it, this lead into early 1985 the very First Wrestlmania live which Orton was in the main event of. After that Ace he was called almost all of the time by Rowdy Piper went on to feud with Mr. Wonderful, Mr.T, until he got Don Muraco. The two out of the gate formed a team which got managed by Mr. Fuji they had very little success together & after a couple of months they started to argue which meant a face turn was in the future for one of them. It ended up being Muraco that would be the face & he would end up coming out on top in the feud as well. After this Ace left WWE not to return again until 2005. After leaving WWE Bob went on short tenures in AWA, NWA, Herb Abrams UWF, made some appearance for Jim Cornette when he had SMW in the mid 90's he also made his presences felt at the AWF the short lived company ran by Tito Santana. He retired from the ringin 1999 only wrestling on rare occasions after that. Bob returned to the WWE in 2005 to help his son in his feud with the Undertaker. He was also inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005 as well. In the close to year that Bob was back in WWE he fought in 3 matches all of the matches were he teamed with his son & he won 1-3.
Though Bob Never won a major Singles title he still won a major tag title & he won many many regional titles. i think thats a good career how bout you?


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