Golden Boys Do No Wrong

Since the begining of the world wide age in wrestling the WWE has always had a company guy or a top guy that nobody can measure up to the 80's it was Hogan, 90's it was Hart, Michaels, Austin, Rock, & in the 2000's it was HHH & Cena. Now after people are starting to realize something that should have been known a long time ago the Golden Boys or the marquee guys are treated different then the other employees. Because, Mr. McMagic not use his name only cares about the money & it's not like he will fire his biggest drawers. Some examples, Michaels & the rest of the Kliq doing the curtain call in MSG that Nash eluded to last night Michaels didnt get in trouble for it when it was anyone else they would have but since he is the top guy nothing. Shown again when Hogan doesnt put anyone over meaning he doesnt let anyone beat him who isnt already established. Thats bad for business because then the company will never make new stars and when you leave the company goes down with your exit. Also seen by the fact that John Cena sparingly puts anyone over because he is the golden boy, he's super cena & can do know wrong but he does. He doesnt lose at wrestlemania or in Last man standing matches losing for the first time in both this year. The other guys arent as bad Hart put over Austin, Michaels put over Austin, Austin put over Rock, etc. But then you look again HHH never put anyone over when he was on top in the early part of the decade. I dont think WWE realizes that it is as easy to give someone the chance to be as it is to suspend them for a wrong doing. I mean they did it to HBK in the mid 90's why not do it now. I dont have a grudge against any of these people for any reason it is just my opinion share yours with me on Facebook, Twitter or even youtube but if you dont agree dont complain abot it you didnt have to read it.


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