PPV Predictions

WrestleMania 29
Pre-Show Match:
Wade Barrett (c) vs The Miz
even though this match is for the Intercontinental title it will not be anything special because of the fact that it is a pre-show match. If with the fact it is WrestleMania still the pre-show match isn't suppose to be anything special. I think the Miz walks away with the gold tonight because Barrett holding the title just isn't working
Team Hell No (Kane & Daniel Bryan) (c) vs Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston w/ AJ
Set aside the likelihood that Team Hell No will most likely be breaking apart soon but think about the fact does Dolph really want the Tag Team titles knowing he has a shot for the World Title just waiting for him. For that reason I think Kane & Daniel Bryan win and keep the belts
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Jack Swagger w/ Zeb Coulter
I think the most interesting part of this match is weather Ricardo Rodriguez will be at ringside for this match outside of that this match isn't to interesting and if you don't believe me just ask the fans from Raw last Monday. The place was dead quite on Monday just like they will be tonight also Del Rio retains the World Title
Mark Henry vs Ryback
this match should be one of the more shorter matches on the card because of the guys in the match and if it goes to long they might get a boring chat which wouldn't go over well. I view this match the Future vs the Past and I think the future aka Ryback will get the win tonight.
Rhodes Scholars & Bella Twins vs Tones of Funk & Funkadactlys
this should be another short match tonight because of the participants in the match. I think there is a serious possibility that Sandow could turn on Cody. With that being said I think Tones of Funk win the match
The Shield vs Sheamus, Randy Orton, & Big Show
In my book this match is one of the toughest matches on the card to predict because it could go either way. But for the reason that The Shield really have nobody else to beat I am going with Show, Sheamus & Orton winning here
Fandango vs Chris Jericho
this should be a good match because both men have real good talent and if done right could have a good match. Because of Jericho contract knowledge I am going with Fandango winning this match.
Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Hayman vs Triple H w/ Shawn Michaels
In my book this match is one of the toughest matches on the card to predict because it could go either way. Even though because of Hunter's soon to be increasing backstage duties it would make sense for him to lose he won't because it's WWE and he is the bosses Son-In Law. So I say Triple H wins here
CM Punk vs The Undertaker

this in my book should be one of the matches of the night, because next to the main event it was given the most TV time to build towards the match. Going back to the rivalry and how it has gone logic points to a one of them more then the other as the winner. Logic points to Undertaker winning and keeping the Streak  
The Rock (c) vs John Cena
In my book this match is one of the toughest matches on the card to predict because it could go either way. Going by what the dirt sheets have said WWE still hadn't decided which way this match will go and this was reported on either Tuesday or Wednesday of this past week. Either Cena loses and most likely turn heel or Cena wins and Rock starts getting phased out. Let me just go at it like this the more logical thought is Cena wins because nobody would think WWE Creative would actually turn Cena. Even though I would rather see Cena finally turn I am going the safe route Cena wins.



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