This Day in Wrestling History

Like in the past I will be doing this one the same way; so first I want to say even though I hate his character I respect John Cena the man for what he does for the troops, & Make A Wish Foundation to say Happy Birthday. SuperCena turns 36 years old today and because of his age and the rigorous work schedule Cena has had for years you wonder how much longer he can go.

Below are career Achievements that John has had:

11 Times WWE Champion
2 Time WWE World Champion
3 Times WWE United States Champion
2 Times World Tag Team Champion
2 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
Mr. Money In the Bank 2012
Royal Rumble winner 2008 & 2013

Next two matches from John Cena's career: John Cena vs Kurt Angle (6/27/02) John Cena vs Shawn Michaels

Feel free to help me by answering this survey, it is for a school project that I did on WWE:

~~ Thanks & Enjoy


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