How I Would Book it........... WCW Fall 1999- Spring 2000 Part 6

January 22nd Saturday Night: Philadelphia, PA
Mike Enos & Kenny Kaos over Chris Harris & Norman Smiley (Enos pins Harris), The Wall pins Van Hammer, Ciclope def Silver King, David Flair over Devon Storm, Billy Kidman def Perry Saturn, Harris Brothers beat Stevie Ray & Buff Bagwell (Don pins Ray), backstage: Stevie Ray & Buff go to President Russell saying they want David Flair on Nitro when they leave the President’s office they are almost happy. Vampiro over Frankie Lancaster
January 24th Monday Nitro: Philadelphia, PA

Tribute to Bobby Duncum Jr, Chavo Guerrero & Juventud Guerrera pins Reno & Vito (Guerrero pins Vito {Upset}), Dustin Rhodes is out, and challenges Goldberg to a match tonight saying he had nothing to do with whatever problem Goldberg has with The New Blood so Goldberg attacked him for no reason and he wants make Goldberg pay.  Brian Adams & Bryan Clark over Dave Taylor & Fit Finlay (Adams pins Finlay), Booker, T walks out and says he started all of this everyone, he was the first to cry foul on the legends and now says “I am taking a back seat to the “revolution” I started no more at SuperBrawl I challenge any legend to a match.” He goes to leave then remembers something an grabs the mic again he adds “face me in a retirement match where if you lose your done.” Goldberg interviewed and accepts the match vs Dustin and also says Shane Douglas was the start I will take out each member of the New Blood one by one till I get my title back. Scott Steiner defeats Nick Dinsmore, © Shane Helms vs Shannon Moore vs Evan Karagis (Non-title ends in a Draw), Goldberg def Dustin Rhodes
January 26th Thunder: St. Petersburg, FL

Ppv Hype for SuperBrawl, © Lance Storm pins Jim Duggan, Elix Skipper over Lizmark Jr, Bam-Bam Bigelow & Kanyon beat Chavo Guerrero Jr & Juventud Guerrera (Bigelow pins Chavo), Kevin Nash over Vampiro, Booker, T is out he says “on Nitro I challenged any legend to a Retirement Match at SuperBrawl to straighten something out they’d put their career against me” and to show how serious I am I challenge any legend in to a Retirement Match right now. Booker, T defeats Barry Windham in a Retirement Match, Hardcore Match: Horace Hogan over Johnny Stamboli (non-title), President Russell comes out he says he has to tell Booker, T something “that is if he wants to be fighting a member of the WCW roster in a retirement match on Ppv then Booker you must put….. Your Career on the line for the match to happen.” Christopher Daniels w/ Shannon Moore defeats Evan Karagis w/ Spice (Moore hits Evan with a foreign object but Daniels didn’t know), Adam Pearce pins Frank Ott, Sting defeats Buddy Lee Parker, Main Event announced Stevie Ray & Buff Bagwell vs Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett, Billy Kidman beats Lash Leroux (Vampiro is on commentary), Goldberg decimates Bobby Eaton, Stevie Ray & Buff Bagwell over Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner via DQ (Post Match: Harris Brothers, Douglas, Booker, T, & Bret Hart run out, Buff & Stevie fight back for as long as they can then Goldberg & Page run out sending everyone away and the fans finally see WCW standing tall to end the show)
January 29th Saturday Night: Chicago, IL
Super Calo over Juventud Guerrera, Mark Jindrak beats Dale Torborg, Buff Bagwell & Stevie Ray pin Rick Steiner & Phil Brooks (Ray pins Steiner, then Brooks attacks Steiner and ends up kicking Rick in the head), Curt Hennig over Adrian Byrd, highlights of last week’s episode and the announcers say “this is from President Russell’s office that at SuperBrawl: David Flair, Jarrett & Steiner will face Stevie Ray, Buff Bagwell, &???? It is said that the mystery man will be here on Monday for Nitro, © Johnny Stamboli def. Horace Hogan in a Television Title Match
January 31st Monday Nitro: Columbus, OH

The Franchise is back for the first time a few weeks and says he is looking for the Next Franchise to help him help WCW set up for the future, he adds this is just the beginning of the campaign to find the next Franchise. Chavo Guerrero Jr pins Elix Skipper, Main Event announced: Diamond Dallas Page vs Lance Storm, Norman Smiley pins Chad Fortune, © Shane Helms over Shannon Moore (Evan Karagis distracts Moore allowing Helms to win), The Wall pins Fit Finlay, Kronik pins Bam-Bam Bigelow & Kanyon (Clarke pins Kanyon), Dustin Rhodes over Devon Storm, Mike Awesome beats Johnny Swinger & Al Greene (Awesome pins Greene), Stevie Ray & Buff Bagwell come out for the moment advertised the last two days the reveling of their mystery partner. Before he comes out he is praised by both Ray & Buff and then they introduce him together…. Ric Flair. Diamond Dallas Page vs Lance Storm (never happens as Bret Hart runs in and attacks DDP leaving Bret & Lance to celebrate to end the show)
February 2nd: Thunder: Buffalo, NY

Tag Team Tournament Hype, Chuck Palumbo over The Wall, Harris Brothers defeat Public Enemy (Ron pins Rock), Vampiro pins Kanyon (Kidman is on Commentary), Curt Hennig over David Flair, Mike Enos & Kenny Kaos def. Chavo Guerrero & Juventud Guerrera (Enos pins Guerrera), Kaz Hayashi defeats El Dandy, Backstage: Shannon Moore & Shane Helms are talking for the first time in months they agree they have a common enemy in Evan Karagis. They also agree the title can wait for them two to fight but Evan needs to be out of the way and they say it will happen tonight. Reno & Vito over 2 local talents, © Lance Storm over Evan Karagis w/ Spice (Post Match: Helms & Moore come into the ring and start beating down Karagis but then Mike Sanders runs out to help Evan), Lex Luger pins Booker, T (Post Match: Booker says he will put his career on the line at SuperBrawl if Luger does the same, Diamond Dallas Page over Billy Kidman, Goldberg over Shane Douglas, Ric Flair comes out and says that we haven’t seen him since early January for the reason of what happened that night with his son and him. Ric said it took him some time to come to the realization that David isn’t the same person that he used to be because now he is an ungrateful punk who needs to have respect beaten into him. The one thing David said that got me was that he said I loved this business more than my family that’s not true I do have an extreme passion & love for the business but there is nothing I wouldn’t do for my family. David as of now you’re not my Son Anymore!!!!!!
February 5th Saturday Night: Buffalo, NY

Curt Hennig over Nick Dinsmore, Mark Jindrak def. Shark Boy, Christopher Daniels over AJ Styles, Rick Steiner comes out, and says he is sick of the disrespect shown all the ungrateful punks who have gotten fed up with waiting for a chance. Especially Phil Brooks, he says the reason Brooks is in WCW is because of Perry Saturn and for him to attack me last week is disrespectful and I want to know why he did it. But before Brooks comes out Pearce sneak attack Steiner from behind and hits the Pile driver leaving Rick lying, David Flair over Frank Lancaster, highlights of Flair’s promo, Ciclope pins Prince Iaukea, Ron Harris w/ Don Harris def. Brian Adams w/ Bryan Clarke
February 7th Monday Nitro: Binghamton, NY

Evan Karagis pins Ciclope, Goldberg comes out to the ring and asks the fans if they remember his little decree from a few weeks ago that he will take out each member of the New Blood till he gets his belt back well on Thunder he is issuing an Open Challenge to any member of the New Blood. Highlights of Flair promo from Thunder, Adam Pearce & CM Punk over Bam-Bam Bigelow & Kanyon (Pearce pins Bigelow), The Wall is pissed and issues a rematch to Chuck Palumbo who beat The Wall last week, The Wall def. Chuck Palumbo, highlights of Flair’s promo from Thunder, Billy Kidman & Vampiro defeat Chris Harris & Jamie Howard, Mike Sanders pins Shannon Moore (Post Match: Helms runs in allowing Moore & Helms to get the 2 on 1 until Evan Karagis makes the save), Rick Steiner over Barry Horowitz, Main Event announced tonight: Sting vs Booker, T, Bryan Clarke w/ Bryan Adams beats Don Harris w/ Ron Harris, Tag Team tournament finals next week on Nitro, Backstage: Bigelow is shown down and might be hurt the announcers begin to speculate who did this to Bam-Bam, Bret Hart & Lance Storm over Chavo Guerrero & Juventud Guerrera (Hart pins Chavo) {DDP is on commentary and faces off with Bret Hart post match}, Sting def. Booker, T via DQ (DDP vs Bret Hart announced for Thunder)
February 9th Thunder: Miami, FL

© Shane Helms pins Mike Modest in a Cruiserweight title match, Scott Steiner has accepted Goldberg’s open challenge for anyone from the New Blood to face him tonight, announcers hype the increasing tension between David & Ric Flair, Norman Smiley over El Dandy, Mike Awesome over Dale Torborg, Evan Karagis is out and he says Helms is ducking him and that he chose to fought Modest over him because he is afraid of competition. Evan challenges Shane to a match at SuperBrawl and if Evan lost he would challenge for the Cruiserweight title again. The Wall def. Chuck Palumbo, Kanyon over Curt Hennig, Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor def. Devon Storm & Scotty Riggs (Finlay pins Riggs), Hype for the Tag Team tournament and the finals which are on Monday.  Dustin Rhodes defeats © Johnny Stamboli via DQ, Jeff Jarrett over Buff Bagwell, Stevie Ray pins David Flair, Announcers Hype Double Main Event: Bret Hart vs Diamond Dallas & Goldberg vs Steiner, Goldberg beats Scott Steiner (Post Match: Jarrett & Storm try to run down and sneak attack him but Goldberg stops them and takes out Jarrett with a Jackhammer then points to Storm and says Your Next) Bret Hart pins Diamond Dallas Page
February 12th Saturday Night: Tampa, FL

Shane Helms is out he says he is here to tell the world Evan Karagis is wrong because it’s not that I don’t like competition it’s that I don’t let people who are undeserving challenge for my championship. If you don’t like it do something about it. Here comes Evan but just as Evan hits the ring Helms leaves he says not tonight but if you want to fight I know someone who would. The Wall decimates Evan Karagis (Post Match: Helms comes back and tells Evan you’ll never get a Cruiserweight title shot), Goldberg vs Lance Storm is announced for Nitro, CM Punk w/ Adam Pearce defeats Robert Kellum (Steiner is watching the match), Reno & Vito beat two local jobbers, Vampiro & Billy Kidman over Kenny Kaos & Mike Enos (Vampiro pins Enos)
February 14th Monday Nitro: Jacksonville, FL

(Matches announced for tonight: Booker, T Legends Challenge, Goldberg vs Lance Storm, & Finals of Tag Team Tournament) Kevin Nash comes out to start and says this is to President Russell, I am not the only one I am just the first to speak you fired my friend and I want something back and that’s revenge. I don’t want to fight you I want to fight Mike Awesome at SuperBrawl because he took me out and I’ve stayed quite about but not anymore. President Russell comes out and tells Nash for him to challenge for the World Title he has to fight someone because the World Title is the biggest thing in this company so tonight Kevin Nash vs Curt Hennig #1 Contender Match & Russell also says he has made a match tonight Mike Sanders & Evan Karagis vs The Wall (If the either Sanders or Karagis win whichever one of them get the pin fall faces Helms at SuperBrawl), Kaz Hayashi def. Jamie Howard, announcers speculate who could have attacked Bam-Bam Last week on Nitro but we find out Bigelow is back will team with Kanyon tonight, Ric Flair over Chris Harris, Shane Douglas pins Jake Ranford, Curt Hennig is asked what a possible World Title shot means to him; Hennig says for his whole WCW career he has never asked for anything but always wanted it tonight years of Hard work & dedication will pay off for me when I beat Kevin and get the title shot. Announcers hype Tag Team tournament finals tonight, Bam-Bam Bigelow & Kanyon def. Al Greene & Bill Lee (Bigelow pins Greene), Booker, T beats Lanny Poffo, Mike Sanders & Evan Karagis over The Wall (Sanders pins Wall {leads to some clear tension with Evan and Mike Post Match but in the end Evan raises Mike’s hand}), Scott Steiner over Bobby Eaton, Lance Storm over Goldberg (Storm won off distraction from Bret Hart), Tag Team Tournament Finals: Kronik pins Harris Brothers to win the Tag Team Titles, #1 Contender for the World Title at SuperBrawl: Kevin Nash pins Curt Hennig (They shake Hands after the match, then after Kevin leaves Mike Awesome sneak attacks Hennig and leaves him lying after a Monster Awesome-bomb from the Top Rope!!!)
February 16th Thunder: Cameron, NC

Hype for SuperBrawl, Hitman comes in with a personal security team to keep Goldberg away from him as he is walking in they bump into President Russell who tells Bret that tonight he will face Sting and the winner will fight for the #1 contender honors at SuperBrawl, Evan Karagis & Mike Sanders over Shannon Moore & Shane Helms (Sanders pins Helms), Lex Luger over Lash Leroux, Stevie Ray, Buff Bagwell, & Ric Flair def. Frank Ott, Chris Williams, & Dave Burkehead (Flair pins Williams), announcers hype Sting vs Bret Hart Main Event, Elix Skipper pins Kid Romeo, Mike Enos w/ Kenny Kaos def. Fit Finlay w/ Dave Taylor, Booker, T pins “Iron” Mike Sharpe, Dustin Rhodes defeats © Johnny Stamboli, Jeff Jarrett, David Flair, & Shane Douglas beat Scott, Steve, & Brad Armstrong (Douglas pins Brad), Billy Kidman pins Devon Storm, History package promoting Nash vs Awesome for the WCW Title, Diamond Dallas Page pins Bam-Bam Bigelow (Post Match: Page is attacked by Kanyon and Bam-Bam doesn’t understand what’s going on), Sting pins Bret Hart (President Russell comes out and announces the match for SuperBrawl Sting vs Goldberg winner is #1 Contender for the World Title at Uncensored)
February 19th Saturday Night: New Orleans, LA

Matches Announced for SuperBrawl: © Shane Helms w/ Shannon Moore vs Mike Sanders w/ Evan Karagis, Sting vs Goldberg #1 Contender match, © Johnny Stamboli vs Dustin Rhodes, © Mike Awesome vs Kevin Nash, 6 Man Tag: Buff Bagwell, Stevie Ray & Ric Flair vs David Flair, Shane Douglas, & Jeff Jarrett, Retirement Match: Lex Luger vs Booker, T. Shannon Moore pins Lizmark Jr, Brad Armstrong over Bobby Blaze, Billy Kidman & Vampiro def. PG-13 (Kidman pins Ice), © Lance Storm pins Chuck Palumbo in a United States Title Match
February 20th SuperBrawl: Baltimore, ML

© Shane Helms w/ Shannon Moore pins Mike Sanders w/ Evan Karagis in a Cruiserweight Title Match, announcers hype Kevin Nash vs Mike Awesome for later tonight, Dustin Rhodes pins © Johnny Stamboli to win the Television Title, Rey Mysterio comes out and says he is 100% and is ready to return to the ring and get his and Kidman’s Tag Titles back. Kidman comes out and tells Rey it’s great to see him and then out of nowhere Kidman attacks Rey ends up leaving him lying and a people with a lot of questions. Booker, T pins Lex Luger in a Retirement match, Rick Steiner vs CM Punk (Time Limit Draw), Ric Flair, Stevie Ray, & Buff Bagwell beat Jeff Jarrett, David Flair, & Shane Douglas (Bagwell pins Jarrett), Sting over Goldberg (Hart causes a distraction which costs Goldberg the match & leads to Goldberg taking out two refs & 4 security guards Post Match “the announcers put over how pissed Goldberg is”), WCW World Title Match: © Mike Awesome def. Kevin Nash
February 21st Monday Nitro: Pittsburgh, PA

Highlights of SuperBrawl, Goldberg is in the Parking Lot waiting for Bret Hart to arrive little does he know Hitman isn't coming to the arena tonight, © Dustin Rhodes over Johnny Stamboli to retain the Television Title, Vito & Reno vs Kronik ends in a No-Contest when the Harris Brothers run in and attack both teams, Booker, T over Elix Skipper, Devon Storm pins Barry Horowitz, Chavo Guerrero Jr pins Evan Karagis, Billy Kidman comes out and says he’s going keep this short, since he has come in WCW he has always been held down by someone first The Flock & now Mysterio no more. I started teaming with Vampiro because we both agreed it was the easiest way to get noticed but now we’re putting it aside to go solo like we wanted and nobody will hold us back. Diamond Dallas Page over Lance Storm (non-title), Dave Taylor & Fit Finlay pins Kanyon & Bam-Bam Bigelow (Taylor pins Kanyon after a distraction from Page), Sting vs Scott Steiner (Never happens Goldberg comes out and is saying he wants Bret Hart & ends up attacking both Steiner & Sting before President Russell comes and tells Goldberg if he wants Bret he’ll have to wait and Russell ends up getting Speared like Sting & Steiner)


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