This Day in Wrestling History

This day 7 years ago Ring of Honor Wrestling celebrated their 100th event in their history. The show was headlined by a 6 man tag which featured Team CZW vs Team ROH; the teams included Adam Pearce, Samoa Joe, BJ Whitmer for Team ROH & Chris Hero, Super Dragon & Necro Butcher for Team CZW. They were fighting because since December of 05 Chris Hero had been provoking ROH Talent and since the start of the year both Butcher & Hero have been invading ROH.

This was some of the best booking of an invasion angle since the NWO. These guys got over quickly which was the most important thing & they took out the right people. Also it had the ire that you didn't know if Joe was going to join team ROH until after Team CZW attacked Cornette, Pearce & Whitmer. It also helped both companies very much showing not only that two existing companies can work together but it made the Indy's look less like amateur hour and more credible in my opinion. This feud lasted all of 2006 ending with Team ROH getting the deuce against CZW at Cage of Death in December. Below is highlights from a confrontation with the Invader & ROH's roster at the 4th Anniversary show: Just Watch


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