Wrestlemania it didn't seem like

Since the start of WrestleMania season back in January many fans have said it doesn't feel like WrestleMania season to them because it just seemed like a regular RAW with some guests. Outside of that one show when Punk vs Cena that's the only I honestly felt it was WrestleMania Season because I know WWE never has good matches on RAW outside of WrestleMania season. But well before I get into it let's look at some comments:
The first three comments are from Fans who sent how they felt into the Site Wrestlezone.com
"The crowd was calling for it why not give the crowd what they want, I mean we all paid money for the show listen to the crowd. I feel WWE has not been listening to the crowd and that's bad."

"There is nothing on the ticket saying limited view or anything . I went to guest services and a WWE representative couldn't do anything about it . There were a lot of people complaining too."

"The matches to me felt rushed, the whole PPV felt like there was no plot or hype to it and then no surprises happened."

The one comment that I have seen constant from a lot of people is that Punk vs Taker was the only good match.
"This is why I watched the show for free. Very predictable and boring show. Taker vs. Punk was the only good part, but still not worthy for a purchase."

Then you also have what ESPN said about WrestleMania booking but to see that just follow the link at the end of the post. I would post more comments or hate about WrestleMania but I am not going to because WWE doesn't care about what we think they only care if they are still making money. Also they don't care about the Hardcore fans because we see right through their product but we still watch. They ostracize the Hardcore fans for the Casual fans because they don't complain as they don't know any better as they have limited knowledge of the sport. I have been a fan of this sport for 15 years now and I can honestly if that show last night was WWE's idea as something that could pass their biggest show of the year the I am ashamed. I ashamed for them because that was way below what WrestleMania should be and it's embarrassing if they are ok with how it went. The matches outside of Undertaker vs Punk were subpar & all of them were predictable. WWE needs help and they need to change they don't need to change the TV Rating because it has nothing to do with the on air product. What they need to is change how they book their product even if they are still making money they aren't doing as good as they could be and they are letting really talents slip through the cracks again.

WWE is in trouble and if they are to delusional to realize that then all I have to say is enjoy the ride because once it's over there will be no going back. By the way this has nothing to do with a specific outcome of a match it's just something that has been building unlike the matches for last nights show. One more thing people ask why is the State of Wrestling so bad well it's simple because WWE doesn't care about the TV product and if last night is any indication they don't care about the ppv's. Either that or they are testing the fans to see if they would still buy or how bad they'd complain if Mania sucked which it did. If WWE had people who knew WRESTLING on their Writing team as oppose to people who just know How to Write Weekly TV Shows, & people who actually wanted to admit they work for a wrestling company then maybe the product would be better but well never know. Because like I said at the top of this they don't care as long as they are making money and like they always say were just fans we don't know what we want its up to them to tell us what we want.

Below are some links:




"I love wrestling just as much as you guys and HATE to bitch ... but some of you guys need to understand this is WRESTLEMANIA ... were there some good matches? Yes. As a whole though, that was NOT a WrestleMania-level event and worth $70. This is WRESTLEMANIA man .... and that wasn't a good one. Trust me ... been doing this for 16+ years ... one of the worst Mania events I've seen" from wrestling site writer.

Credit to Wzronline.com & Wrestlezone.com


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