This day in Wrestling History

Felt like going Old School
Happy Birthday Smackdown!!
This day 14 years ago one of the staples of the WWE's current product was born. I am talking about The show that many believe came from the Rock's saying of Layeth the Smackdown on your candy ass. I am talking about Friday Night Smackdown. The first Smackdown was headlined by a blockbuster Tag Team match of The Rock & Steve Austin vs The Undertaker & Triple H. Austin & The Rock won the match getting the better of the Corporate Ministry on that night. The other matches on the card were:

Blue Blazer def. Val Venis
The Big Show def. Test
D'Lo Brown def. Droz via DQ
Kane & X-Pac pin Road Dogg & Billy Gunn
Ken Shamrock def. Bradshaw
Mankind def. Big Bossman

The creation of Smackdown in many respects was WWE's answers to WCW Thunder which was created earlier that year. But since 1999 Smackdown has become a staple for the WWE as a whole because most fans nowadays can't imagine WWE without Smackdown. Since 2005 Smackdown has been on Friday nights and since then in many ways has fallen from the place it once had which is a shame. Because this show was once near the same level as Raw but that changed with the move to Friday. All I got to say though is Smackdown in it's 14 years of existence has produced some great memories take a look at some below: The first Smackdown Brock Lesnar Superplex's Big Show 9/13/01 Smackdown Opening

~~ God Bless & Enjoy


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