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3 Cheers for DA Bad Guy!!
Scott Hall

Good on the Mic
Good in the ring

Many people have said it but still not many people believe it when those people say that Scott Hall is not only a great wrestling mind but a really good wrestler. I mean look at his work from his great matches with Shawn Michaels, to having good matches with everyone from Nash to Jarrett to Kid to Savage to Sting to The Steiner, and so many others. Scott was one of the best in the ring during the 90's and also was a huge part in changing the business. How did Scott change the business you may ask well one simple promo on one Nitro back in May 1996 started it all. I am of course talking about the formation of the NWO which was the angle that changed the business. Last thing is I am very happy that Scott is getting the help he needs and it seems to working. I have so much respect not only for DDP & Jake for helping Scott but also Scott for getting the help he needs.

Below are some videos that show different things from Scott's career:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7ToA3BFP_Q Scott Hall Tribute

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P40MoCE7-Q Best of Scott Hall 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meARYZIsJuE Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon (One of Scott's best matches in his career)

Note: Scott had hip surgery today, everything went well and Scott even said he should be walking again soon. That is great news because this means Scott is progressing further on the right track and I am very happy about it.


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