This day in Wrestling History

Gone but still not forgotten
Will always be remembered
This day 8 years ago the wrestling world lost a very underrated talent who never needed a gimmick to get over because he was a great in the ring. But unfortunately never got to show on mainstream TV like he should have been able to. I am talking about "No Gimmicks Needed" Chris Candido whose untimely passing at only age 33 sent sadness and regret through business. Because he was so young and he never really got a great chance to show how good he could be or was. The biggest push Chris ever got was in ECW which for those who don't was the company that let everyone be themselves, and have fun. In my book Chris could have been a great champion in either WCW or WWE, but was never given the opportunity either because of backstage politics or management didn't care about talent. Towards the end of his career Chris managed the tag team The Naturals in TNA until he passed away.

Below are some of the achievements Chris was able to get during his career:

1 time NWA World Champion
1 time SMW World Champion
3 times ECW Tag Team Champion
1 time WCW Cruiserweight Champion
2 times SMW Television Champion
2 time SMW Tag Team Champion
1 time WWF Tag Team Champion
1 time XPW World Champion

Now here is a tribute to Chris, also when Chris fought his former partner Tom Pritchard in ECW: Chris Candido Tribute Tom Pritchard vs Chris Candido


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