Interview with Kenny "Star Maker" Bolin

First I would like to take this time to thank Mr. Bolin for taking the time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions for me. I hope you enjoy the interview I know I like always enjoyed conducting it. Once again thank you Mr. Bolin and I hope you all enjoy it. Here is the interview

1. What is your view on how managers are seen in this era?
They have been rendered useless for the most part. Other than Zeb Colter and Paul Heyman. Ya just don't see the classic managers any more.

2. Do you believe that most wrestling companies have lost touch with the importance of a manager?
That ties in what I just said. YES...they have lost touch.

3. Why did you get into the business?
It was what I had truly loved and knew I would do since I was 11 years old. Jerry Lawler inspired me to be in this business.

4. Growing up was there a specific person that you modeled your managing style off of when you got into the business. Also same question for announcing? ---- I felt I was more like a Jerry Lawler at announcing when he was a true heel. I loved to mix in comedy with being a smart ass con man. As for being a manager I felt I stole from every one good, a little bit of Lawler on promos...A little Cornette, a Little Heenan...a lot of me in my real life.

5. Which company do you think is doing is doing a better job at helping OVW and which company do you prefer working with WWE or TNA? ----- The money was better with WWE....TNA stayed out of our business a little better than WWE. I do like making BIG money so WWE was better. I also felt we helped WWE far better than they helped us. They got OVW for 9 years at a fraction of the cost they have spent on the Florida developmental system. Count how many WWE stars came out of OVW and count how many have come from Florida...once again...a fraction of what OVW did. We sent over 100 wrestlers there in 9 years...and they miss-used a ton of that talent. We would get them over and make stars of them here....but they would get them and the writers could come up with nothing for them. Matt Morgan, Lance Cade, Aaron the Idol Stevens and the Heart Breakers come to mind just to name a few. Finally Aaron is now doing a gimmick he perfected while living with me...I am very proud of him and his work.

6. Do you think OVW will ever expand to more than just being in the Davis Arena------I hope they already have...OVW does over 150 shows a year in the tri-state area for the last 17 years. OVW is also is the longest running locally or regionally produced TV show in the south other than the local news. I said GOOD DAY!!

Once again I thank Mr. Bolin for taking the time to allow me ask him these questions and being very professional about each one. Thanks.


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