This Day in Wrestling History

RIP Ravishing One!!!
This day 14 years ago the Wrestling Business suffered the loss of a legend who was planning a comeback after a career ending injury ended his career in his prime. "Ravishing" Rick Rude was one of the best talkers in this business and also was thought to have one of the best physiques in wrestling history.
Rude was a well traveled wrestler by the time he got to the WWF in 1987 as Rude had already been in Memphis, Dallas, Florida, Carolina's, Canada, & Georgia. Also many say because of Rude pulling some string he got his old Manager Percy Pringle aka Paul Bearer a job in WWE.
By July 1987 the WWF had finally taken notice and Rude went to New York and became the newest addition of the Heenan Family. It was long after he debut Rude began his most famous feud with Jake Roberts, the feud began when Rude came out with airbrushed picture of Roberts wife on his tights. From their Rude feuded with Ultimate Warrior and Roddy Piper until leaving WWE in 1991. Highlights from his first stint WCW where Rude was apart of one of the most underrated stables of all time the Dangerous Alliance. The stable included: Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Madusa, Larry Zbyzsko, Rick Rude, Steve Austin and was lead by Paul E Dangerously (Paul Heyman). Shortly after leaving the Dangerous Alliance Rude suffered a career ending back injury during a match against Sting in Japan. Effectively retiring from Active wrestling but not managing which is what he did as apart of DX in WWE & for the NWO in WCW. He also announced for a short time in ECW.

The thing Rick is probably most known for is when was seen on both WCW & WWF's Monday Night broadcast on the same night. This showed he worked for both companies and not many people know but on that weekend he was also seen announcing ECW TV shows as well. He was a busy man working 3 companies at once. In late 1998 it was rumored that Rick was planning on a full-time return to the ring but unfortunately on April 20th 1999 Rick Rude passed away. Fans look back at the memories he left us and remember a very charismatic and hate able legend.

Some memories from Rude's career: Rude appears on both Nitro & Raw on the same night Rick Rude vs Lance Von Erich Rick Rude & Jake Roberts feud quick review


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