This Day in Wrestling History

Today I would like to wish a man I respect very much for what he has been able to do with Jake Roberts & Scott Hall turning both guys lives around. Which is something all wrestling fans have been hoping would happen for years. But today is for him so Happy 57th Birthday to the King of Badda Bing Badda Boom Badda BANG!!!!! Diamond Dallas Page.

Most people know that Page started wrestling at an older age the most people due but it proved that not to be a factor because of his work ethic and the passion he had for the business. Also some may not know that one of the people who helped train Dallas Page was Jake Roberts. Nobody would have thought a man who at the time was 41 would be or even could be the hottest thing in the business. From the time Dallas hit the Diamond Cutter on Hall that night on Nitro everyone knew he would be World Champion. I can honestly say there are very few people in this business that I respect more then Diamond Dallas not only because he defined the odds, not only because of his work ethic, not only because he kept going longer then anyone thought he would not only because of his passion for the business. It's those reason why and for what he is doing for Jake Roberts & Scott Hall why I have the utmost respect for DDP.

like the last couple below are two matches from DDP's career: DDP vs Sting vs Flair vs Hogan Spring Stampede 1999 (Sorry YouTube doesn't have the full match the highlights were all I could find) Johnny B Badd vs DDP (By far one of Page's best matches) DDP Tribute



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