How I would book it.......... WCW 1999-2000 Finale

Over the last couple of months I have shown how I would have booked WCW if I was in charge starting in the late summer of 1999. A couple of days ago you read the final part to the re-book of sorts which ended at Uncensored 2000. During this time I looked at the results of the shows and ppv’s, I compared what I did to what they did and it was totally different. That’s the reason why I did this because in my opinion; so much more could have been done with the roster they had during this time but it wasn’t done because they didn’t think about the possibilities. Like the New Blood a year early, Booker, T as a heel, releasing the old faces and getting new faces, etc. They could have done so much but they didn’t and for that reason this was possible. So thank you WCW I guess in a way because if they didn’t make mistakes I would be able to do this.

Also like you may have noticed I stopped at Uncensored 2000 even though not every feud is done and not every old guy is gone. I stopped at Uncensored because it fit the time period I said I would book from which was Fall 99 to Spring 2000. I didn’t finish the feuds because it shows what would happen in the future like Goldberg vs Mike Awesome for the World Title, Harris Brothers vs Kronik for the Tag Titles, Jim Duggan vs Lance Storm for the United States title, Push of Evan Karagis, Kidman, Helms, Vampiro, Mysterio, Jarrett, Rhodes, etc. I mean as long as AOL Time Warner would have let me handle it I think it could have done this with much intrusion but I doubt that would have likely. I think because of how I booked it WCW would be pretty good but that’s just me what do you guys think would this have helped WCW or hurt them.

For those who might want to look back: (P7) (P6) (Update) (P5) (P4) (P1)

~~ Thank You & Hope you Enjoy ~~~


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