WWE The Future Is.......

I did this yesterday with TNA now today is WWE,  this was harder to do then the TNA one because i didnt really know who i would want to see get signed by WWE. But below is the chart just like yesterday but this time its WWE talent.

Should be In WWE  

Out/demoted of WWE 
in  John Morrison out Sin Cara 
in  Colt Cabana out  David Otunga
in  Chase Stevens out  Jinder Mahal
promoted Dean Ambrose out  Ezekial Jackson 
promoted Seth Rollins  demoted Mason Ryan 
More TV Time Less Tv time
more   Tyson Kidd less   Brodus Clay 
more Joe Hennig less David Otunga
more Primo less Lord Tensai
more Epico less John Laurinaitis 
more Trent Barretta  time off  John Cena 
more  divas 


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