Rework & Rewrite

WCW vs WWE Invasion

Last Nitro: Shane comes out and tells Vince that the name on the contract does say McMahon… Shane McMahon (surprised face by Vince & show the WCW wrestlers reaction)
Shane vs. Vince still happens at Wrestlemania 17
4/2/01: start having WCW logo’s pop up on the tron & a video of highlights from the last nitro & at the end have it show the word beginning
4/9/01: have the ending of nitro play when Shane says he is the new owner of WCW and at the end say power
4/16: The last match on the last Nitro which was Sting/Flair show highlights of that and at the end show the word change
Hold it off for a week but then have it happen again at Backlash but this time no video just flashing through all the words & ending with the new WCW logo
4/30: have what will become the WCW entrance theme start playing to end the show & have JR & Paul start questioning what is going on.
5/7: have Shane show up in the crowd with a WCW shirt on and ticket in hand.
5/14: Have Shane show up again this time with DDP & Storm all with tickets but they start taunting the WWE stars
Judgment Day: have the announcers acknowledge the fact that the WCW group at ring side is there for the 3rd week in a row
5/21: have Hugh Morrus hop the rail during the European title match and attack X-Pac & Matt Hardy
Angle attacked by Shane
5/28: have Lance Storm hop the rail during the mixed tag match between Blackman/Trish vs. Perry & Terri
6/4: this is when a feud between DDP and Undertaker begins:  the WCW group (Shane, DDP, Morris, & Storm) are finally allowed a mic to speak but its Page who does most of the talking bashing taker & his wife more so his wife then him. Pisses off Taker
6/11: things are quite so WWE can spend the hyping the King of the Ring & matches at the show one of them being Shane vs. Kurt which has gotten heated from attacks by both men in recent weeks
6/18: After his European title defense Matt Hardy is attacked again by Hugh Morrus but this time Morrus only beats him down
KOTR: Shane fights Angle in a Street Fight a brawl all over the ring side area. DDP & Undertaker’s feud picks up as we find why DDP said the words he did about the Undertaker 2 weeks before because DDP feels Taker was given everything but DDP had to work for it. Also rumors begin to circulate someone will be jump ship to the WCW & Booker T debuts.
6/25: Mike Awesome comes through the parking lot and attacks Rhino to win the Hardcore title to become the first WCW star to win a WWF belt. Also later DDP attacks Taker & Morris attacks Hardy both Hugh & Page are successful. Also the decree of War is set Shane says that the WCW will take over the WWF. (Shane with Booker, T makes this decree from The World in New York)  INVASION PPV ANNOUNCED
7/2: **Vince begins the show saying how embarrassing it is to know members of a different organization were in a restaurant that he owns & has the WWF logo on it. This brings Shane out or he is shown rather in a skybox above the ring he says it about time WCW begins its plans so for the first time ever the World title will be on the line in this ring tonight Booker, T will fight the newest member of the WCW roster but you find out later tonight Vinnie. Before the main event the arena turns completely WCW any evidence of it being a WWF show is changed all the logos & the announcers. This is the first time we see Scott Hudson, Stacy Keibler, & Arn Anderson on the side of WCW. The match is Booker, T vs. Big Show this makes the fans realize why Show didn’t stop Morrus when he attacked Matt Hardy the week before.  
7/5: Now this fight moves to Smackdown the sneak attacks are out for the night as 4 WCW employees fight in separate singles matches one match. First was for the cruiserweight title this match saw the debut of then champ Gregory Helms & his opponent Billy Kidman.  The other match saw Booker T fight DDP but it ended in a no-contest as Undertaker came out to get his hands on DDP but he really got trapped. Undertaker was lured outside and attacked by WCW stars then saved by Shane McMahon who was then attacked by his employees. Then Booker, T came out to help Shane this all happening outside the arena but then Booker gets attacked.  Leaving the people confused (Helms retained & Booker won)
7/9:**Now called the Invaders are shown coming over the railing with Arn Anderson, Scott Hudson, & Stacy Keibler following. It’s mostly Anderson who talks saying that they have been made fun of by the WWF stars even though they have had the advantage on them since day 1. So now they want to prove it on a big stage at INVASION on ppv we may not be with Shane anymore or Booker but we still are just as powerful. Vince is out and says since your owner is injured from the attack you put on him last week I have taken it upon myself to book you all in matches tonight against WWF Stars. Now to the invaders knowledge the WWF has been dysfunctional they didn’t know about the meeting that happened on Smackdown. So they accept & find that Vince booked Awesome & Show vs. APA. Storm vs. Angle & Morrus & Kidman vs. Hardy Boys
Matches: Awesome & Show vs. APA never happens as Shawn Stasiak, Shawn O’ Haire, Chuck Palumbo, & Kanyon hop the rail an interfered. But they attack Show & the APA, then Stasiak says Show wasn’t the traitor he’s too much of a joke to be a part of this group.
Morrus & Kidman vs. Hardy Boys this match happens but the fans finally see Matt get the better of Hugh Morrus & wonders if that’s how it will be at Invasion & the last inter-promotional match was Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle this is the Main Event and a test for Storm. Give them at least 15 minutes & have Storm win it would be a good match then have DDP come down to attack Angle with Storm but have Kane & Taker make the save  
(** the asterisk means a complete rework for a show)


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