PPV Predictions


Matt Morgan vs Crimson
the match has had horrible hype for it but also this isnt a match that many are looking forward to anyway because of the people in it no offense to them though. Since Crimson's unbeaten streak ended when they lost as a team technically I see Morgan winning to officially end Crimson's streak because its not like the people really care about it anymore anyway
(c)Devon vs Robbie E (Robbie T)
I think both Robbie's need to go down to OVW get new gimmicks get little better in the ring come back up fresh and ready to actually be hated by the fans. Devon needs to win tonight because he just won the title and if you want the belt to me anything you keep off of Robbie E for the time being
(c) Gail Kim vs Velvet Sky
this will most likely be longer then any WWE divas match but not be that long even with the loads of hype it has had. I think tonight is when the alliance with Kim & Rayne finally ends when Rayne costs Kim the belt and allows Sky to win the belt back.  
Motor City Machine Guns vs (c) Magnus & Samoa Joe
this is the first match that will be good based on the time it is given because it is actually a match that deserves some time to be good. I see the Guns winning because maybe the next time they have the belts they will be more deserving of a long run but i think right now it would be good to get the belts back on MCMG
Jeff Hardy vs Kurt Angle
this will be a good match because both these guys are gifted competitors and can turn it to the next level when needed i think the only think that could hurt the match is if Angle's injury is that bad it may hurt the time the match goes but i think either way Jeff should go over in this one
Team Garrett vs Team Eric
there is defenitly something going on backstage where Garrett could get a ppv match this quick. I also think its the wrong decision to have Eric in the match instead of Gunner because it would be good to have Gunner in a match like this. Team Eric wins because i think it would be good if Garrett takes time away from  TNA and maybe goes to OVW to get better in the ring and get a better feeling of how to be over unless they turn him heel then still send him because he aint that good in the ring.
(c) Bobby Roode vs James Storm
this should be the match of the night to make up for the lack of hype behind the match & i think it should be a close finish where we see Roode win so Storm can say he was that close and wants another chance to finish the job to keep this feud going. Because done right it could last for a while in TNA.

Next time you'll see this is for Extreme Rules live on ppv April 29 from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL


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