TNA: A Meeting

Earlier this week TNA Executive had mettings with offcials from Spike tv regarding there new Tv deal that they just signed recently. I dont refer to myself as an expert in this stuff but i dont think of myself as very nobel. Here is what i think should be happening with TNA coming off the meeting with the spike officals.
Also Carter added to saying presentations changes will happening with Impact but also they are making decisions to focus on the young talent now. There was also talk that TNA could be getting more programing on Spike which i think if anything would help TNA or Spike Tv lose lots & lots of $$. That's not for the reason some people would think I would say but it is because Impact isnt as popular as it could be or should be for TNA to expand to another program & they dont have the talent or the resources to have another show. Talent meaning wrestlers because you cant have the same stars on both shows because that would make the talent get overexposed or have them seen to much. Also i dont think having a show for just the X-division stars or just the Knockouts like exclusive shows because it could make them seem like lesser talents. Last thing about this TNA needs to focus on making anyone they can because there core is getting older and they dont have much younger people unless they take from OVW. Their core being Roode, Styles, Angle, Storm, Ray, Aries, Abyss, Daniels, etc all of them are in their mid to late 30's which is kind of on the older side for pro wrestlers just saying.
Now on to what she said about the presentation of TNA changing how they present the product doesnt need to change where they are & who they are presenting it to, needs to change because they look weak. To take from what to me a very smart ex-writer/producer/presendent once said something to the effect of "being in the small arenas make the product look cheap & territorial" he of course wasnt talking of TNA. This was said by Mr. Eric Bischoff talking about getting WCW out of the small dimly lit arenas into the bigger arena that would make the product look better. Baiscally what i am trying to say is if TNA wants to change anything move out of the Impact Zone & that will make them present to a new audience. Now they dont have to do it every week they should just do it once in a while but in the same arenas to try to expand slowly but surely. Also they should focus on making a serperation between those who are at the mid card level & those who are the main event and not just having low card guys & main event level guys like they do. Dont really know what else to say other then here is exactlly what she said after the metting with Spike officals:

TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter says there will be a lot of changes to the presentation of iMPACT! Wrestling after meeting with Spike TV officials earlier this week. Though she would not reveal specific details, the transformation is taking place soon and will include “format changes and new elements.” Carter added the company is making a very conscious decision to focus now on young talent. (source:


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