TNA Future is...

TNA has been saying for months that they will be focusing on the future talents in TNA if you didnt understand what i said here it is again TNA is in a youth movement. I have formulated a table with people i believe should be in TNA & who should not be in TNA and those who should be given more time & those who should get less. Also quick props to TNA for open fight night it seems like a unique idea if handled right best of luck to them with that.

Should be In TNA    Out/demoted of TNA 
in  Jimmy Rave out Hulk Hogan
in  Low Ki out  Doug Williams
in  Petey Williams  out  Rob Terry
promoted Adam Revolver demoted Robbie E
signed to OVW Cliff Compton  demoted Garrett Bischoff
More TV Time Less Tv time
more   Kid Kash less   Hulk Hogan
more Anthony Nese less Garrett Bischoff
more AJ Styles  less Ric Flair
more Gunner less Crimson
more Madison Rayne less Eric Young


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