Scouting Report

Ric Flair
awesome on the mic
awesome in ring

Best Possible Feuds: anyone as Ric has the ability to make anyone he faces in the ring look great

Beginning his career in the early 70's after being trained by Verene Gagne it wasnt until he made his way to the Mid-Atlantic region that Ric started gaining attention which was around 1974. It wasnt long before Ric had gotten a belt to his name defeating Paul Jones for the NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Title. Then a little more then a year later the now infamous Plane crash happened where nature boy broke his back in 3 places. He was told he would never wrestle again but after 4 months of rehab he returned to the NWA and became a heel after tearing up the fans get well soon cards. In 1977 Ric started a feud that would go on throughout his career vs Ricky Steamboat. After feuds vs many hall of famers like Jimmy Snuka, Piper, Greg Valentine, Ricky Steamboat, Blackjack Mulligan, & Buddy Rogers. He became NWA World Champion after defeating Dusty Rhodes in September 1981 in Kansas City. Flair then stays champion through the beging of the Freebirds vs Von Erich's feud in WCCW. Feuds with Race, & Rhodes & had matches with them some of which that had moments still talked about today. Then it happened in September of 1985 Flair turned heel and joined up with Ole & Arn Anderson after breaking Dusty's leg in a chair they later added JJ Dillon & Tully Blanchard. But that was the night the Four Horseman were born and never died.
From their he won the title and lost the title many times stole the show with the likes of Steamboat, Sting, Funk, Luger, Windum, Morton, & others. Then in 92 Flair was fired from WCW went to WWF stayed for a year or so won the world title then left again. For the next 9 years he stays in WCW, reforms the Horseman, wins title, etc. Then after WCW gets bought he shows up in WWE where he wrestles wins gold but never wins a World title. Highlight he managed Evolution, fought Vince, Taker, HHH, Rock, Jericho, Hogan, Michaels, Won the IC title. Lost a retirement match to Michaels at Wrestlemania 24 and stayed retired for 2 years but then went to TNA. Their he has wrestled 4 matches but mostly managed different guys.
No matter how long it takes him to say goodbye Nature Boy will always be the Limosine, Riding, Jet Flying, Kiss stealing, wheelin, dealin, son of a gun that we all know and love
16 time World Champion
Probably has wrestled more 60 minute classics then anyone & is one of the few who can have a great match with just about anyone.


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