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Some may say its a cheap plug but i think of it as a way to explain myself and give an explination to why the order is as such for the newest video i put up the Top 10 most Underated WCW stars of all time: link below
Top 10 
10- Rick Rude: i picked him because well it seemed like he was getting a push by beating Flair for the NWA later called the International title either way he beat Ric Flair great boost to anyone. But unfortunately Rude was injured in a match in japan vs Sting which cost him his chance at the big time. RIP Rick Rude
9- Konnan: i picked him cause in 98 there were very few people that got as big a crowd reaction as Goldberg but Konnan was one of them no the people werent chanting his name but when he came out the crowd always blew up. Why else would he get the TV title for his health or maybe it was because he was very over Goldberg certainly thought even telling K-Dogg he was bigger then him. Konnan could have made WCW open up to a new community but Eric & WCW executives werent thinking like that even to give Konnan a small push never entered their minds
8- Brian Pillman: He is there because, he was before his time with the moves he did in the ring he was captivating people in the US before it became second nature to see moves like that. To me the fact he never won a title above the light weight belt in WCW is a damn shame because of how good he was in the ring. RIP Pillman
7- Rey Mysterio: at one point nobody was on a bigger streak then Rey in WCW in the period of early 99 to the summer of the same year Rey very rarely lost matches. He was always over from day 1 with the fans because of the moves he does in the ring. Again the fact he never made it higher then the Cruserweight title is a shame for WCW
6- Dustin Rhodes: some say Dustin was destined to be World champion in WCW in the pre-Hogan era but it never happened because Hogan debut in WCW taking the top stop. Good wrestler but was cast aside once Hogan came through the door like many other people were as well
5- Lance Storm: held 3 titles at once how does he not get a big push & at one point was getting more heel heat then the people who considered the top heels
4- Mike Awesome: had an awesome gimmick after tossing Kanyon off the top of the triple tier cage as they began to call him the career killer. And he was getting pushed until WCW started to twek it and came up with That 70's Guy which was a horrible Gimmick he was very close but yet so far.
3- Arn Anderson: Ric Flair's shadow, & the career ending injury two things that stopped Arn from becoming the star many thought he could
2- Randy Savage: I feel he was never the guy cause of Hogan & Flair mostly Hogan cause even Flair was second compared to Hulk. Proof of that is at Great American Bash 99 Randy won the World title but then lost it the next day to Hogan. To me leaps and bounds better then Hulk in the ring & on the mic shame those in charge could see it to
1- Raven: Well he was apart of Raven's Flock which was broken up because it was taking the heel heat from the top heels and giving it to them on the mid-card. Also Spring Stampede 98 Raven beats DDP in some call the match of the night he out wrestled a future world champion. Then jobs the next day to Goldberg who vacates the belt away anyway. Damn shame that Raven isnt in the history books a WCW world champion cause he would have been a good one

*leave a comment tell me what you think, if you agree, disagree, what ever i want your feedback


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