TNA Really

TNA Lockdown a ppv that was hyped up like an important ppv for TNA only brought them 2000 people in a 9000 seat arena. Which is ridiculous because that means the arena wasnt even half full and they dont think that is wrong or bad in anyway. It is and it shows in my opinion that TNA cant draw even in Nashville & they need to stop focusing on there production output of the show and start focusing on fixing the creative direction & the quality of matches. I mean i dont think i am an expert in this but i will ask a question to the people who will view this post do you think you could book TNA better then those in charge now. When i say book i mean know who & when a guys should be pushed, not allow yourself to let the fan knowlege crowd your jugement. By that i mean if you dont like a heel because, of the person he is on TV they then doesnt mean you shouldnt still push him because most heels are good wrestlers to sometimes better then the good guys. But then again TNA also really doesnt usually keep someone bad or good for a long period of time because they like changing how we view people for No real reason just to do it.


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