Extreme Reunion Tonight

Tonight after all the hype & promo is the night many have been waiting for the night when the misfits of Extreme try to save the business once again. Usually important shows like this i would offer my predictions but instead i am just letting tonight happen for those going to the show enjoy and bask in the memories of the past as they become the present. I wish the best of luck to all the guys that are going to perform tonight hope its a great show because it looks that way on paper. These guys have given the bodies so many times for you fans over the years. Now this my friends is a real Reunion tonight Phillidelphia, PA Where it all began that summers night in 1994 it will be where it all begins Again. Extreme Reunion Wrestling will Be reborned. Some more promos from the talents on the show and the card is below as well enjoy and remeber #Savewrestling lets get it trending tonight.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBnDZoc17Bg Gary Wolfe speaks on this & to Anthony Durante

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR7K5DT88IM Raven speaks on April 28

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVwlH1iTh-Y TV AD for Extreme Reunion

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyz80PzpogA Little Gudio gets a call from the BWO April 28

Their are plenty more videos on Youtube about this just search Extreme Reunion or follow the link provided. This will be a night to remember for results on the event vist this site as i will post them tonight or tommorrow or you can also visit any site you know of that has been hyping this event. Also you will be able to download Extreme Reunion on Sunday thats all i know so vist Wzronline.com or Extremereunion.net for more info. Also here is the card and remeber more matches will be added:

The Night the Line Was ERASED

Champions Collide

Wrestling Purists Dream Match
 Al Snow (w/ Head) vs. CW ANDERSON

The Final Battle
"The FBI aka Full Blooded Italians" LITTLE GUIDO, TONY MAMALUKE, TRACY SMOTHERS vs. "The B.W.O. aka The Blue World Order" STEVIE RICHARDS, BLUE MEANIE, and a Surprise

Philly Brawl

Chairs, Chairs, and More Chairs

Plus there are a few unannounced matches that will take place with veterans of "Extreme", as well as new talent booked for the show. Additional confirmed talent for Extreme Reunion include: 2 Cold Scorpio, The Sandman, The Oringinal Gangsta New Jack & Mustafa, Joel Gertner, Bob Ortiz, Stephen Deangelis, John Finnegan, Mike Kehner, Ronnie Lang, & ATLAS SECURITY, and more.
7pm, at the National Guard Armory in Northeast Philly remeber lets get it trending
#savewrestling & #extremereunion show your support trend it


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