It Could Have Happend

This is like Rework & Rewrite only its different in the way i dont rewrite something that already happend i take stuff that hasnt or wont happen. Depending on the reaciton these get will see if i continue doing it. First, did you ever wonder if a feud between Hawk vs Animal would have happend how it would have went well it could have gone like this.
When they expanded the group to 3 members in the WWF they could have started to make tension rise between Hawk & Animal because of Droz being apart of the group. After a couple of months things could have just reached a boiling point and that would see Hawk leave the LOD and maybe have a match with Animal at a ppv & Droz before it. It would not become a deep seeded feud just as away maybe if the LOD were leaving or something then they could done as like something new to try. See it could have happend but nobody tried to do it i wonder what else could have happend stay tuned



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