Spring Cleaning Part 1

Today WWE has began their endeavored list for 2012 as they have sent Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks off into the sunset. Both guys had some sort of potential to help WWE but i guess management didnt agree and they got the boot. I am surprised that Hawkins got the boot because he is a talented wrestler & draws decent heat on the mic but was just used a jobber in recent months. I felt Hawkins had untapped potential that i find to be a shame that WWE didnt catch but maybe a different promoter will. Tyler Reks I think came up to soon and never really had that much of a future in WWE because of it. I am not surprised that Reks is gone as i had him on the list i first published a couple of days ago giving my guesses of who would be gone. Nothing against Reks I'll wrong place wrong time for him and it is sometimes good to start new & i think it will help Reks and Hawkins in the run. This isnt the end but only the beginning for the WWE Spring Cleaning 2012. Now there is only one thing left to say Hawkins & Reks  BEST OF LUCK IN ALL YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVORS!!!!!!!!!!!


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