Rework & Rewrite

Old School Smackdown: this was probably the worst Smackdown in quite a while as most if not all of the show was complete joke. So I have decided to rewrite the Show from top to bottom. (excluding Piper's Pit that was the highlight of the show in my opinion)

To start Mark Henry should have went over in the match vs Orton because Mark is fighting Punk on RAW for the WWE, and last time i checked it's good for challengers to go into title matches with momentum. Maybe not win clean like have Kane cause a distraction for Orton allowing Henry to win.
I wouldnt change anything about the next match which was Ryback squash match because it did its job however i would add Mick Foley backstage with Paterson, Dibiase, & Atlas watching the match. Next match was Kidd & Slater (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs The Uso's & since Foley was seen backstage he doesnt have to be commentary. This match i think Kidd & Slater could make a good especially since Gabriel is hurt & maybe they could have kept Hart with them as the manager. So if you didnt get it i would have made Slater & Kidd win because a win here doesnt really do anything for the Uso's so why let them have it.
Piper's Pit
Forget the 6 man tag match it servered no purpose other than a waste of time so get rid of it and put a divas match Fox & Natalya vs The Bellas. Which, Nattie & Fox would win; also lets get Cody Rhodes a win and not have interupted by the Big Show. Have him go over clean in a match that makes him look like a million bucks to try and undo the damage WWE has been doing. I would still have Mae Young make a cameo but have seen talking to the divas like Kelly & Tamina. I would keep the Damien Sandow vignette somewhere in here because thats the right the thing to do when it comes to bring in new guys. Changing the next match as well i would have Duggan & Slaughter face Hunico & Camacho in short match but does its job seeing Duggan & Slaughter go over. The faces then see Dusty Rhodes who comes to celebrate with Duggan & Slaughter.
Main Event: Howard Finkel takes over Ring Announcing and its Del Rio & Bryan vs Sheamus & Jerry Lawler to continue with throwback night. Would have Lawler and Sheamus win to send the fans home happy.
Not real But this is how long i think the matches should have gone
Henry vs Orton (8:23 minutes for match)
Ryback vs Local Star (1:25)
Kidd & Slater vs The Uso's (7:42)
Fox & Natalya vs The Bella's (2:50)
Cody Rhodes vs JTG (4:20)
Duggan & Slaughter vs Hunico & Camacho (2:50)
Sheamus & Lawler vs Bryan & Del Rio (9:30)


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