This day in Wrestling History

Today i would like to wish a Happy Birthday to ROH Star Jay Lethal & Axl Rotten

Axl Rotten: Most known for his tenure in ECW where he fought in the first Taipei Death Match vs Ian Rotten. He never held a title but did challenge for the ECW Tag titles numerous time with different partners. Also he competed in WWE & TNA for a short time first in WWE in 2006 then came to TNA for the reuion show in 2010 aka Hardcore Justice. Happy 41st Birthday to Axl Rotten

Jay Lethal: First started in ROH were he won the Pure Championship on one ocassions then he went to the promotion where he would become known for and that was TNA. There he won 6 X-Division titles & the Tag titles once with Consequences Creed. Around 2010 Jay left TNA and after a few months returned to ROH in June of Last year and has blossomed ever since winning the TV title & facing some of the top stars in the Indy Circut.  Happy 27th Birthday Jay Lethal


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