Various News

As of this writing the WWE is planning to have Brock Lesnar vs The Rock Main Event Summerslam this year. Because, Summerslam is going to be in Los Angeles and a match like would probably give them a lot of mainstream appeal. Which is true and they also hope a match like this would call for some Hollywood stars to be at AXXESS. If they do this match I think it could help them put Summerslam back on the map as an important ppv.

The rumor that surfaced a few days on the Internet was that John Cena did indeed have an affair while married with Kendra Lust. For those who don't know Kendra is an adult film star & as of right now says the rumors that she and Cena had any sort of relationship are untrue. Even though it Cena's Ex-Wife who started the "rumor." I guess it's one of thos were you have to chose who you believe.

As of right now nothing is definite for the Undertaker competing at this years Wrestlemania as many don't know if he is healthy enough or if he even wants to. I have heard for months that Vince isn't forcing Taker and has left it up to him if he wants to compete or not. Rumor has it that if Taker return at Elimination Chamber or the night after he will most likely not compete at this year Wrestlemania. Also if he is to compete at Wrestlemania 30 that will probably be his last Wrestlemania. DDP TV (DDP, Jake Roberts, & Scott Hall)



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