This day in Wrestling History

This day in the history of this great sport we look back in time two a three year span where two great superstars left this business far to young and far to soon. Instead of me going over there career highlights I will be showing them to you in the best way possible and that is them in the ring. I am speaking of two greats in this sport:

"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert & "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich these two both passed away on this day in 1995 & 1993 respectively. Kerry left us first after taking his own life on his families ranch in Denton, TX. Then 2 years to the date the wrestling was saddened again losing a great in Eddie Gilbert to Heart Disease. Both these men where really atheletically gifted and knew how to make the fans love them or hate them. Both of these men are incredibly missed by the fans who saw them wrestle and those who knew who they were. RIP Eddie Gilbert & Kerry Von Erich!!! Eddie Gilbert promo from USWA Eddie Gilbert's last match ever (vs Rock N Roll Express) Kerry Von Erich vs Terry Gordy Kerry Von Erich promo


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