RAW: Truth is

Even though it seems like RAW has gotten better then it was, well really it hasn't if you subtract the big names like Brock, Rock, & Hunter then it's just regular RAW. But they are here because like most know it's Wrestlemania season now so WWE always has better show during Wrestlemania season. Also if this past Monday is any indication they have a lot better matches as well which shouldn't just be during Wrestlemania season. See what WWE doesn't realize is they can make it better by actually believing that the fans actually know what they want. I don't mean the fans who have been begging for Cena to turn heel for years or for the Attitude Era to come back because those people need to keep quite as neither of those thing will ever happen. I would go into both those things but I have before and don't feel like doing it now.

The fact that all WWE needs to do is have a really good match on the show and then still two days later people are talking about it. It seems simple right just have good matches all year round then fan interest would return right? Wrong the WWE needs to do more with RAW then just have better matches they'd need to book the right guys in those matches & have them at the right time. I mean good, long matches like that could help bring back a WWE Mid-Card which is something they haven't had for a while. Also they don't have depth on the roster which is something they really do need to have they ability to make the Mid-Card something, and make that separation between the Mid-Card and the Main event. But, I honestly can tell odds are RAW will go back to being average to bad every week after Wrestlemania because they don't care if they did then it wouldn't be something that has happen every year after Mania for years. The themed shows don't change that they need New stars, a separation between the mid-card & main event, a tag team division and roster depth. Also they should remember that the second W in WWE is Wrestling they aren't just an Entertainment company no matter how much Vince wants us to think they are. They are wrestling first and I think sometimes the people who work their forget that.

We as fan should just face facts nothing will change for the WWE unless someone in power want's to change it because they have operated under the idea of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" for years. It will continue to be that way it's sad but true.


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