The Bad Guy in a Good Place

First the good news of the week is I just heard Scott Hall will be joining DDP & Jake Roberts in DDP's Sober house where Jake has been staying and remained sober for months now. I do firmly believe that with the fact that Page has changed one life long substance abuser in Jake and put him on the right path. I think he'll be able to do the same with Scott or at least I hope. Because, Scott needs to change his ways I mean he can only abuse his body for so long before time runs out. Scott will be going to the house next week to start DDP yoga and hopefully get better habits while there like we saw with Jake.

I am saying this from the bottom of my heart, Scott is one of the wrestlers I grew up watching and have wanted him to get clean for years. Because it is like what Eric Bischoff said "When sober Scott is one of the best workers in the business." I honestly do believe that Scott was one of the best workers in the business but never got to get to his full potential because of the substance abuse problems. Now that his active wrestling career is over I still think that Scott can help the young guys in the WWE, TNA, Independent companies & his son; get better but also learn from a veteran who knows how to operate in the ring. I hope DDP & Jake can help Scott get clean and change how he lives his life.

I wish Scott all the best and hope that the Bad Guy can get clean & sober so he can help the business again but more importantly help himself stay around longer. Good Luck Scott!!!!!!


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