Flashback Report

I haven't done one of these in a very long time so figured why not bring it back right now when things are kind of slow news wise. Today I will be taking a look back at.......

Tommy Dreamer

Good on the mic
Decent in the ring

Throughout Tommy's career he developed a good sense of how to work the crowd while he was in the ring. He didn't during his time in ECW & during his stint with WWE. Tommy was also never a bad guy because people saw the heart & passion he had for this business and loved him for it. Tommy was also a special wrestler because he was one of the few who didn't need to be a champion to be incredibly over with the fans because he was that loved. Now he was't the best wrestler in the world no doubt but he give it everything he had every night and for that I have no doubt in my mind one day Tommy will get the call that he will be getting inducted into the Hall of Fame because he deserves it. Nobody was more unique with ways to try and hurt his opponent which is why he was called the "Innovator of Volience" & those words "Thank You Sir May I have Another" still ring through that arena the phrase that made Tommy. Below are two videos one match and a tribute to the Innovator of Violence and one the most unique wrestlers to ever lace the boots..... Tommy Dreamer.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPADo0kVsXU Tommy Dreamer Tribute

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QacvsgC--gg Tommy Dreamer vs Brian Lee


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