This Day in Wrestling History

This day 13 years ago many thought would just be the day that WCW would have another one of their ppv's but little did they know this day would be the ending of and era in away. The ppv I am referring to is Superbrawl 2000 which was headlined by Sid Vicious vs Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Hall for the World Title. Some other matches on the show were: Billy Kidman vs Vampiro, Hulk Hogan vs Lex Luger, 3 Count vs Norman Smiley, "Texas Death Match" Ric Flair vs Terry Funk, Big Vito & Johnny Stamboli vs David Flair & Crowbar & others.

The Main event was Sid vs Scott Hall vs Jeff Jarrett for Sid's World Title; many thought this would be Scott's last show in WCW. But it wasn't his last show because he got injured at the event and went into surgery but it was his last WCW match. For that reason I said this ppv would the end of an era because it was the last WCW ppv for Scott Hall. Scott with Kevin Nash helped revolutionize the business in 1996 when they formed the NWO with Hulk Hogan. But the same thing that made WCW famous in turn helped kill WCW. But it was the wrestlers as much as it was the writers for not ending the group before it got old.


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