This Day in Wrestling History

11 years ago the independent wrestling circuit changed as many independent wrestling companies began to pop up all over the US. One of which was Ring of Honor which was started by two former ECW employees, Rob Feinstein & Gabe Sapolsky. That company had it's first show today from the Murphy Rec Center in Philadelphia. The show was called the Era of Honor begins and now 11 years later some of the matches on this card are still talked about as being some of the best in the history of the company. The Card featured: Amazing Red, Homicide, Los Maximos, a young Jay Briscoe, Xaiver, Prince Nana, Michael Shane (Matt Bentley), Spanky, Low-Ki, Christopher Daniels, Bryan Danielson, Eddie Guerrero, Super Crazy.

First of all yes, Eddie was at the first Ring of Honor event and would wrestler again at the one in April before returning to the WWE. Looking at the card and some of the names that were on it like the ones I wrote above you can see how many of them had a big part in making ROH what it is today. I counted it and I found that about half of the people I wrote above went on to win a title in ROH some even become very big stars for the company as well. I do firmly believe without the step companies like ROH, TNA, CZW, Chikara, OVW, IWC, & others took during this time to attempt to replace the void left by WCW & ECW wrestling would have been a lot worse off now then it has become. I know I haven't always been the most supportive about TNA's lack of success in the last 11 years but I go back to the fact that at least they are here and helping the business we love.

Think about it without the Indy's we'd only have WWE and that would really suck especially now, Wouldn't it!!!!!

Happy Birthday Ring of Honor!!!!!


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