This Day in Wrestling History

Today we celebrate the birthday of WWE Hall of Famer Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat who turns 60 years old today. Ricky began his career in the AWA where he was given the name Sam Steamboat Jr because of his resemblance to the old wrestler Sam Steamboat then it was changed to Ricky instead of Sam. In 1977, Steamboat began feuding with his greatest rival "Nature Boy" Ric Flair this happened almost as soon as Ricky joined JCP. Then in 1985 when he debuted in the WWF after 8 years in the NWA, it was then when Ricky got his nickname "The Dragon." Ricky during his career would win: the United States title 4 times, WCW tag titles 8 times, Mid-Atlantic Tag titles 4 times, WCW TV Title 4 times, NWA US title 1 time, WWE Intercontinental title once, NWA World title once, & Mid-Atlantic World title 2 times. That amounts to 13 singles titles & 12 tag team titles over the great career of the Dragon. Ricky also has another dubious honor that not many if anyone can say, Ricky was a good guy for his entire career which stood for over 20 years. That is unheard of in this sport which makes Ricky all that more great. Below is in my book one of the best matches not only in Ricky's career but in the history of this great sport Ricky Steamboat vs Macho Man Randy Savage from Wrestlemania 3. Please Watch: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat

Happy Birthday "Dragon"


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