This Day in Wrestling History

On this date 29 years ago, the Wrestling World was turned upside down when the news of a wrestlers death came back from the the orient. No it wasn't a Japanese wrestler it was an American, a Texan, the Yellow Rose of Texas........ David Von Erich. I can't believe it's almost been 30 years since the Wrestling world changed forever. Especially, Texas wrestling changed forever because it lost a very bright, talented young star in David. He fought Ric Flair in the last match of his career but it wasn't suppose to end that way he was suppose to become World Champion. After the match with Flair, David set up to go on tour in Japan but he died while on tour. Word has it that when David came back he was going to beat Flair for the NWA World title. But in his honor his brother Kerry won the title he kept it for 2 weeks then lost it back to Flair. The story goes after they lost David, Fritz changed how he acted I mean that's what happened when you lose a son.

I find it hard to believe I know so much about the Von Erich's but David passed away 10 years before I was even born. Also WCCW folded before I was born as well then company folded in 1992, two years before I was born. That's why I love this business I have heard so many stories about David saying how good he was in the ring and that it was like he was destined to be World Champion. Also that many say the downfall of World Class may have started when David died. To lighten the mood below is a link to a match David fought against Harley Race. David Von Erich vs Harley Race

Even still 29 years later one thing is still true many think David died because Heven needed a Rose!!!!

God Bless, World Class, the Von Erich's & David Von Erich

RIP David....

Also Happy Birthday to the "Gentleman" Chris Adams who would have been 58 today.


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