Moment in Time 5

In this blog series we have taken a look at that have happened during the history of this great business, right now is a change of pace. The first four edition of this series were either great WWE or WCW moments but I pride myself on being a well rounded and well educated wrestling fan therefore this time will be different. What better way to change then with the company that changed the business forever...... ECW. The specific moment I am referring to is from August 27th 1994, or the night ECW was born. This night was the birth of ECW but it wasn't suppose to be it was just suppose to be a tournament to determine the next NWA World Champion. But the week prior to the show NWA President Dennis Coralluzzo was on the radio and buried Douglas, which is why Shane agreed to the angle that was originally something he didn't want to do. Now with out further adieu the night that began a Revolution:


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