Wrestlemania Recall

To start taking advantage of Wrestlemania Season I will be doing Wrestlemania recall every week recalling a different Wrestlemania from the past as we move toward Wrestlemania 29. Also the countdown to Wrestlemania 29 is 6 weeks as we found out last night on Raw. But to the point of the post let's go back to last years Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania 28 was held in Miami, FL it was fitting because it was the first The Rock would be competing in a WWE ring in 10 years. The match was titled Once in a Lifetime: John Cena vs The Rock. But that's another story all in itself below are the highlights of that great event and

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g8kxYuN77g Wrestlemania 28 Highlights

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PyoLdNJgv0 Chris Jericho vs CM Punk

April 7th 2013


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