WWE: What did they do Now

The Stamford Advocate reports that while WWE has pulled racy videos offline (possibly due to Linda McMahon’s US Senate run), they plan to release the Attitude era DVD in November after the election. WWE Spokesman Brian Flinn said the DVD will be rated PG.

OK wait WWE pulls most if not all of the racy footage from the Attitude Era because of an Anti Linda video from her campaign opponent Chris Murphy. Now word has surfaced that they are going to be releasing a DVD about the Attitude Era in November after the election. Give me a break what if Linda wins and then what would stop people from saying of course she wins and they release something like this. Also how do you suppose they will make a DVD about the Attitude Era and rate it PG seriously. They have got to be kidding me I know things they did in the Attitude Era and there wasnt that much if anything PG happening in that time.
I have have said it before and will say it again until I am proven wrong that WWE is a bunch of Hypocrites because they take down the Attitude Era footage just to make a DVD about it. Really this has got to be a joke I mean c'mon. Making a DVD about the Attitude Era that's good they should educate the young fans but making it PG c'mon on be serious. The Attitude Era was the golden age of Modern Wrestling for not only WWE but WCW also it would be a damn shame to release a DVD about the Attitude Era and not have truly represent the era.



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