This Day in Wrestling History

This day 15 years ago WWE had a special ppv which has been done ever since and not for a bad reason but it was for a reason it was One Night Only. It was a ppv that WWF had in September of 1997 live from London England. This was one of the very few times during this time that WWE had a ppv that wasn't headlined by the WWF World champion who was Bret Hart at that time. But then again it makes sense because they were in England which was the home of the current European Champion Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. He headlined the show against DX member Shawn Michaels who of course had Chyna & Hunter at ringside. But the one thing that doesn't make sense is why HBK would win if Vince has always been a big supporter of sending the fans home happy. Which a win by Bulldog would have sent the fans home really happy seeing their hometown guy win vs a top heel. Of in their mind a top heel because it's not like they would not cheer the hometown guy, because he is the idol for all the kids because of the fact he is on TV and famous. Which is why I dont understand the reason why Vince chose to have Shawn win over Bulldog other then the possiblity of Shawn having Vince's ear and telling him why to make Shawn win. Even though Shawn and Davey Boy are friends still that never stopped Shawn before I mean just look at the fallout with him and Marty. This is in No way designed to insult Shawn but if the evidence is their why not say it.
Food For Thought!!!!!!!!!!!!


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