Week News

As I mentioned earlier on this site Devon as it seems will be leaving TNA when his contract officially comes to an end. No he will not be taking the TV title with him because even the title doesn't mean something to the fans cause the lack of exposure for the title & the lack of competition in the matches. So last I heard report from F4Wonline.com which is a Dirtsheet, TNA is playing with the idea that when Devon leaves they will get rid of the TV title instead of making a tournament for it. That makes sense because the title has so little value it would really make that much sense to waste the time doing a tournament for a title most people don't care about. With that being said TNA would then go back to having only Tag Titles, X-Division, World & 2 women championships. We shall see what happens in the coming weeks I think they should send the title away because it means nothing either way so just get rid of it.
Also I would like to offer congratulations to Adam Cole the current ROH World TV Champ for winning PWG Battle of LA tournament Last night. As he beat fellow ROH superstar Michael Elgin to win the prestigious tournament. For those who don't know PWG is a small indy company located in California & they have a tournament yearly called the Battle of LA.


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