PPV Predictions

TNA No Surrender
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher (c)
this will be a usual women's match from one of the big promotions especially with all the stories happening tonight they need to give time to what needs and take away from what doesn't need it.
 I think Miss Tessmacher will beat her teacher Tara and retain the belt
Sonjay Dutt vs. Zema Ion (c)
i am glad they decided to bring Dutt back to TNA and the X-Division because he is a very talented wrestler as is Zema. This match deserved to be featured on TV because it had a back story to it and something that could have made for a feud. Until we know for sure who is definitely back with TNA it would be wrong to guess against him so I will say Zema wins
Magnus vs. Rob Van Dam
nothing special here just a through on match to fill up time in my opinion, I still think it could be a good match but it doesn't need to be. I would like to see Magnus win this match because he could still be a top star in TNA, RVD has had his chance.
Bound For Glory Series Semifinal: Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe
this will be a good match especially if the match they had on Impact was any indication, as these two have real good chemistry together and belong at this point in the series. I would like to see Joe win because it would be like from nothing to something in the series for Joe
Bound For Glory Series Semifinal: Bully Ray vs. James Storm
this will be a good match, as these two have real good chemistry together and belong at this point in the series. I will keep it short, I would love to see Bully win cause he has worked for so long for it but I think Storm wins the match
The Bound For Glory Series Final: TBD vs. TBD
I think from the predictions of the semi final matches that it will be James Storm vs Samoa Joe in the finals. If I had to guess like I said before it would be nice to see Joe win but I think Storm win the Series
AJ Styles & Kurt Angle vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian (c)
if the match they had at Slammiversary is any indication this will be another MOTY candidate and will help the Tag belts get some respect back to the gold. I like the series between the two and if TNA was smart they would have Angle & Styles win tonight so they could do a third and final match between the teams at Bound for Glory.
(c) Austin Aries vs Armbreaker From Aces & Eights
Honestly don't know what to expect from this match but I do know it will be a fight and most likely not for the TNA title. I think Aries wins but gets attacked after the match by Aces & Eights which sees a brawl close the show
** Remember I don't predict the order of the matches I just predict who will win the matches.**


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