UFC To WWE then back

The title is my way of referring to "The Beast" "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar and the rumors & possibilities of his future. As of this writing I have heard that most likely after Brock's contract is up next year the WWE will offer him another. Weather for the same length and amount or not I would think it would be a similar deal with the appearance limit because Brock doesn't like traveling that much and would rather be spending time with his family. I would like to see Brock sign at least one extension to put all the dream matches to rest because there are a couple of other people for him to face. Like Punk, Ryback, have a rematch with Cena, Austin, Orton, etc. But that is if Brock even wants to come back again because it is likely he may not even sign another deal.
The other part of the title is there because of a video I watched with Dana White being interviewed by sounded like British people. Dana said "Sure I'd bring Brock back if he wanted to fight in the UFC" this means that if Brock wanted to leave WWE and rejoin UFC he most likely could. Then again if you remember correctly a few months ago Brock met with Dana in Vega prior to a UFC ppv and the meeting didn't go well. That made me think things between Dana & Brock were over but I guess it might be like forgive and forget or made the meeting didn't go as bad as some thought. Like I have said a few other times I have never been one to speculate and I won't now because the only who truly knows what he'll do is Brock. I don't think we'll really find out until after Wrestlemania 29 what he will or even a few months after it never know.

I will keep you guys updated!!!


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