Various News

The news has surfaced earlier today that Devon has finally after weeks of speculation left TNA still holding TNA'S TV Title. With that it might mean that the short history of the TV/Legends/Global title might have come to a close. Once the news became official the speculation when Devon will arrive or weather he will go to WWE or not. The rumor also has it that Devon could end up in WWE but not as a wrestler but a Road Agent or Producer I think it may depend on if they have something or not.
Word is that soon which could be as soon as tomorrow's episode of Smackdown could Randy Orton's last show until November as he will begin fliming for 12 Rounds: Reloaded. Orton just returned a few weeks ago from his 60 day suspenion and will be going away again. When he comes back he will then be back in the World title picture from what I have heard.
Winter joins a group of 2 other former Knockout stars Velvet Sky & Angelina Love, Winter has not been seen on TV that often since Bruce Prichard took over Head Writing. So Winter leaving TNA isn't that much of a surprise.
WWE officals are skepitical about keeping FCW down in Tampa because it has the rep as a party town and are thinking about moving it to Stamford because it doesn't have the same rep. They came to this because of the amount of DUI's their superstars have got over the years because of where they are located down in Florida. To prevent it they would move and change everything baiscally what they ask themselves if they did this is weather it's worth it or not.


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