How I would Book it Part 5........ WCCW 1985-1986

Territory Update: I know if you have read through all of these then you would notice I go weeks at time sometimes months without using some people. But what I am actually doing is keeping talent fresh like what I did with Gordy, Hayes, & Buddy I took them off TV and sent them to a different territory. As it not only keeps the guys fresh but it helps me make new stars & I could also send someone to San Francisco where they can work as heel or face whichever they aren’t by me so they can get more exposure & be a better competitor. That’s also what I did to Brian Adias as I sent him to Portland to work for Don Owens. In exchange I got Tony Borne (Matt Borne’s Dad), & I sent Al Perez to work for Bill Watts for a little while also & Bill sent me Terry Taylor back. I also let Kamala go to Watts & Reed go to Vince.
March: 14 shows
Saturday: Frank Dusek vs John Tatum for the TV title is made tonight & Mike Von Erich vs Eric Embry for the Brass Knuckles title is made for Monday’s show. Matt Borne def Magic Dragon (then post match I would have Rip Oliver attempt a run in to attack Borne but then Tony Borne would make the save), Nick Kiniski def Jim Powers, Rip Oliver is out now to speak about the taped fist match vs Borne on Monday but then Matt Borne runs out and the fight is on between the two. Rick Rude, Embry, Lance, & Kabuki are out (with Pringle holding the mic while Rude talks this time). He say’s talking about the man from this past Monday saying he wasn’t suppose to attack both of them it wasn’t a part of the deal. Rude calls the guy out nothing until the Fantastics are out now to with Chris Von Erich they don’t seem to care what Rude they just want to know the mask guy from last week was to. Then three masked men now show up in the aisle way they do nothing but stare down at the ring where everyone else is. Tatum retains the title with help from Missy def Dusek & Mike Von Erich def Eric Embry to keep the Brass Knuckles Belt.
Monday: Matt Borne vs Rip Oliver in a Taped Fist Match set for later in the show. Fantastic’s vs Embry & Handsome Lance it ends when 3 masked men attack the ring and revel themselves to be Michael Hayes Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts. Crusher Yurkov (w/ Skandor Akbar “return”) def Dingo Warrior, Tully Blanchard is back and he fights Mr. K and wins, & then he cuts a promo about John Tatum saying at Parade of Champions not even Missy Hyatt will be able to save him. Killer Khan def Chris Adams, King Parsons def Nick Kiniski © non title match, Matt Borne def Rip Oliver in a Taped Fist Match
Spot Show: Jim Powers def Steve Austin, John Tatum def Frank Dusek, Chris Adams vs Killer Khan ends in a Count Out, Rip Oliver & Nick Kiniski def Matt Borne & King Parsons (Oliver pins Borne), Buddy Roberts def Eric Embry, Handsome Lance def Chris Von Erich, Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes def Kevin & Mike Von Erich, Fantastics def Rick Rude & Kabuki.  
Saturday: Nick Kiniski vs Iceman King Parsons for Texas Heavyweight title announced for tonight, Crusher Yurkov (w/ Skandor Akbar) def Jim Powers, Eric Embry & Rick Rude def Buddy Roberts & Terry Gordy (Rude pins Buddy) (Main Event: Michael Hayes def Mike Von Erich), Kevin Von Erich def Great Kabuki, Jimmy Garvin def Bugsy McGraw, Steve & Shaun Simpson vs Terry Taylor & Scott Casey, One Man Gang is out and says he is the toughest man to ever be in WCCW out comes Bruiser Brody and the two go at it. Simpson’s vs Taylor & Casey end in a time limit draw, Adams def Killer Khan via DQ & King Parsons def Kiniski to win Texas Heavyweight title
Monday: Steve Cox def Dizzy Hogan, Chris Von Erich def Tim Brooks, Steve & Shaun Simpson def Terry Taylor & Scott Casey, Matt Borne & King Parsons def Rip Oliver & Nick Kiniski (Borne pins Kiniski), John Tatum promo saying Tully can talk all he wants because no matter what he says or does I will be WCCW TV champion for a very long time. Bruiser Brody def Jim Powers, Bobby Fulton def Great Kabuki, Terry Gordy, Buddy Roberts, & Michael Hayes def Rude, Embry, & Handsome Lance (Hayes pins Rude) Bill Mercer announces a Battle Royal on This Saturdays broadcast.
Spot Show: Jimmy Garvin def Steve Cox, Tim Brooks def Mike Bond, John Tatum def Chris Von Erich, Brian Adias def Steve Doll, Eric Embry & Great Kabuki def Fantastics, Kevin Von Erich © def Terry Gordy to retain North American title, Rick Rude def Michael Hayes
Separate: to help my territory I would bring some-people in as new faces in the territory some to as enhancement talent and others as real talent. People like Mike Sharpe, Tony Borne, Brody, Mulligan, Bart Sawyer, Missing Link, Kelly Kiniski, Sunshine, etc.
Saturday: Nick Kiniski is out talking about how next week his dad will be here to pass the name his dad carried so well for so long and that is Canada’s Greatest Athlete, and that would make me the greatest Second Generation star in WCCW history. King Parsons def Rip Oliver, Terry Gordy vs Eric Embry no contest after Handsome Lance interfered, Crusher Yurkov (w/ Skandor Akbar) def Kamala post match Crusher & Skandor attack Kamala, Matt Borne is out and talks about what Kiniski said earlier about Gene Kiniski being here next week and said he would be glad to be a part of it as well. Because he did say the Greatest Second Generation Star in WCCW history was going to be there so he says he will be. John Tatum def Johnny Mantel, Battle Royal Participants: Chris, Kevin, Mike, & Kerry Von Erich, Fantastics, Killer Khan, Hayes, Roberts, Chris Adams,  Rick Rude, Handsome Lance, Great Kabuki. Winner: Great Kabuki (after a distraction from Rude & Pringle cause Mike to be eliminated)
Monday: On this show we’ll see John Tatum vs Brian Adias, Handsome Lance vs Kerry Von Erich, Terry Gordy vs Kevin Von Erich non title, As a favor for Nick Kiniski; Iron Mike Sharpe is here to face Matt Borne (w/ Tony Borne). Bruiser Brody vs Crusher Yurkov (w/ Skandor Akbar) No Contest after One Man Gang ran out and it became a two on one attack on Brody with Yurkov & Gang. They leave Bruiser Brody lying on the mat. Tatum def Adias with help from Missy, Kerry def Lance, Kevin Von Erich def Gordy via DQ, Borne def “Iron” Mike Sharpe, Mike Von Erich & Chris Von Erich def Buddy Roberts & Michael Hayes (Mike pins Buddy). Main Event: World 6 Man titles: Rick Rude, Great Kabuki, & Embry def Ted Arcidi, Kendall Windum, Johnny Mantel.
Spot Show: Chris Von Erich def Rip Oliver, Nick Kiniski & Mike Sharpe def Matt & Tony Borne (Kiniski pinned T Borne), One Man Gang def Ted Arcidi, Terry Gordy def Killer Khan, Fantastics def Lance, & Eric Embry (Rogers pins Lance), Kabuki vs Chris Adams (Draw), Buddy Roberts & Michael Hayes def Rick Rude & Tim Brooks
Saturday: The Kiniski’s are in the ring and Nick says it’s time for his dad to pass the nickname that he held so dear for so many years and that is the name of Canada’s Greatest Athlete. Matt & Tony interrupt the ceremony of sorts and the Borne’s challenge the Kiniski’s to a match at Parade of Champions. The Kiniski’s accept. Bruiser Brody vs One Man Gang it ends when Crusher Yurkov attack Brody but then Blackjack Mulligan emerges to help Brody & then challenges Gang & Crusher to a match at Parade of Champions. King Parsons def Tim Brooks, Lance & Eric Embry def Gordy & Roberts (Lance pins Gordy off distraction from Percy), Rick Rude def Kevin Von Erich, Mike Von Erich © def Great Kabuki to retain Brass Knuckles title.


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