How I would Book it Part 7........ WCCW 1985-1986

This is the last part show/match wise but it will not end here as I will be doing one more post about this either Tuesday or Wednesday viewing like the future and the Re-Book as a whole. Here we go:

May: 5 Shows
Saturday: announced for next week is Mike Von Erich vs Eric Embry for the Brass Knuckles title. Steve Cox def Al Madril, Crusher Yurkov vs Terry Gordy (DDQ), Bruiser Brody def Rip Oliver, Rick Rude def Buddy Roberts, Blackjack Mulligan def Chris Von Erich, Brian Adias & Michael Hayes def Chris Adams & Kerry Von Erich (Adias pins Adams)
Monday: first half of the show Bill Mercer is interviewing people, who will be in action at Parade of Champions starting with John Tatum, Brian Adias, Chris Adams, Fantastics, Von Erich Boys, Blackjack Mulligan, Bruiser Brody, Kiniski’s & Borne’s, Freebirds, Kabuki, Embry, & Rude. Then we go to some matches: Blackjack Mulligan def Crusher Yurkov, Al Madril def Steve Cox, Rip Oliver def Terry Gordy (via DQ), Rick Rude def Michael Von Erich
Spot Show: John Tatum def Scott Casey, Brian Adias def Steve Cox, Steve & Shaun Simpson def Al Perez & Al Madril, Buddy Roberts def Handsome Lance, Rick Rude & Eric Embry def Fantastics, King Parsons def Rip Oliver, Great Kabuki def Kerry Von Erich, Chris Adams def Michael Hayes
Saturday: tonight Mike Von Erich vs Eric Embry for the Brass Knuckles title. Tully Blanchard is here we have a promo him talking about how over the last few months Tatum has been running his mouth and that at Parade of Champions Tully will shut him up. Blackjack Mulligan def Rip Oliver, Chris Von Erich def Handsome Lance, Fantastics def Al Perez & Al Madril, King Parsons def Great Kabuki, Kerry Von Erich def Terry Gordy, © Mike Von Erich def Eric Embry

Parade of Champions

 Al Perez def Al Madril

 WCCW Tag Team Titles

Crusher Yurkov & One Man Gang def ©Steve & Shaun Simpson

 Buzz Sawyer def Wahoo McDaniel

 Texas Heavyweight title

Terry Gordy def King Parsons ©

 Grudge Match (Family vs Family)

Matt & Tony Borne def Gene & Nick Kiniski

 Steel Cage WCCW Television Title

©Tully Blanchard def John Tatum w/ Missy Hyatt

Blackjack Mulligan def Bruiser Brody 

Buddy Roberts def Mike Von Erich (non-title)

 WCCW World 6 Man Tag Title Match

Fantastics & Chris Von Erich def © Rick Rude, Eric Embry & Great Kabuki

 Steel Cage for North American Title (Brawl to End All)

Kerry Von Erich def © Michael Hayes

Kevin Returns and celebrates with his brother
Like I said above what you can call the epilogue of this series still to come or the conclusion. 



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