WWE How I Really Feel

I want to be honest with you guys about something, real important to me and that’s the Wrestling Business. I am well aware I have been ranting and raving on and off for a few months now about all things that are wrong with WWE in my opinion. This is not going to be a rant it will be my true feelings about WWE. They think because they are still making money with what they doing that means they don’t have to change anything they are wrong. I am not going to say turn Cena Heel or bring back the Attitude Era because they won’t. What I am saying is bring back compelling TV and interesting storylines that fans can get emotionally invested into. Bring up new stars because most of the guys on top are stale and need a character change. There is NO mystique, their stars are over exposed, & to repeat they are stale also. But they don’t care because their top guys are making them money from Merchandise and that’s all they care about. The quality of the matches is as good as they should be & that affects the power of a feud & quality of the titles. That’s why people view the Divas, World, Tag Team, & US titles as jokes instead of something with value. Their characters are all the same except a few main eventers, & that’s not good to have everyone be carbon copies of each other. Just look at WCW because overexposure is one of the many things that helped kill WCW. Vince is a creative genius and if you don’t believe me just ask people who have been in creative meetings with him but he isn’t figuring out that he needs new stars. He needs to push them like he did Rock, Austin, HHH, etc because the less restriction you make the more likely someone will break out. Because any good booker would tell you NO creative writer or booker knows a wrestlers gimmick better then the wrestler. I’ll anyone who says that’s untrue is lying because it’s not the writers on TV its wrestlers who are TV and cut promos. Quick story a promoter back in the Territory days never let his talent cut their own promo he told exactly how to do it every time. Well long story short the guys is out of business because he thought he knew what the wrestlers should better then the guys who are on TV. WWE needs to change sooner rather than later because if they don’t things will get worse a lot worse. Weather its more interesting storylines, good matches more often, increase value of the titles, fresh faces having a prominent role, keeping the fans interest for a long time, etc. That’s how I really feel about WWE.


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